Another Journey Begins ...

Hello computer people,

I am a currently student of Computer Science at Goldsmiths, UoL.

I am an old and increasingly grizzled geezer, having spent my previous working life as a Chemical Engineer at a couple of big Oil and Gas Companies.

Now I am retired and have taken on the challenge of doing a BSc(Hons) degree in Com Sci with the ambition of pursuing an interest in a subject I have always been interested in.

My ambition is to compete my degree and hopefully get my two grown up children to attend my graduation in the same way I attended theirs.

If I can complete the journey, I don't see myself working on the frontiers of AI or ML. I would be quite content working on repairing someone's broken website of just working for fun.

Currently wrestling with building a website using Django and Python, quite difficult but with your help I'm sure I can get there in the end.


Wesley 'Pops' Persad